It's about doing the right thing.
Here's how we join our customers in helping communities across the country.
Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN)
Protection is an action that goes beyond the fire and the truck.
There’s a crossover between protecting communities and protecting firefighters, and that overlap is exactly where the CARE initiative lives. CARE (Carcinogen Awareness & Reduction to Exposure) is a pioneering partnership between Pierce Manufacturing and the Firefighter Cancer Support Network. Through constant product development, training, education, and fundraising, we will raise the awareness and resources necessary to protect firefighters and their families from carcinogen exposure.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF)
The United States Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to lead a nationwide effort to remember America's fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the tax-exempt, nonprofit foundation has developed and expanded programs to honor our fallen fire heroes and assist their families and coworkers.
Since 2009, Pierce has participated in several campaigns with the NFFF to support contributions of over $450,000. Events have included Lambeau Field Stair Climbs, Fire Equipment Giveaways, and Harley-Davidson® and Ford® Sweepstakes.
International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
Pierce is a proud sponsor of the IAFC Fire Chief of the Year Awards, honoring career and volunteer fire chiefs for their dedication and leadership in the fire and emergency services. Winners (selected by a committee appointed by the IAFC) are honored for their leadership, innovation, professional development, integrity, and contributions to the fire service as a whole. Pierce is pleased to acknowledge the positive impact of these truly exceptional leaders; all of us benefit from their leadership, dedication, and integrity.
Volunteer & Combination Officers Section of IAFC (VCOS)
The Volunteer & Combination Officers Section was formed in 1994. The VCOS delivers information, training, and education to the Chief Officers who manage volunteers in the Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical services. The educational services of VCOS help promote excellence in volunteer and combination departments. Pierce proudly supports the VCOS efforts and underwrites a portion of the cost of instructors.